Tara Renton (Specialist in Oral Surgery). She completed her dentistry at Guys (1984), Oral and Maxillofacial surgical training in Melbourne (1991), undertook a PhD in Trigeminal Nerve injury at KCL (1999-2003).Tara Renton (Specialist in Oral Surgery). She completed her dentistry at Guys (1984), Oral and Maxillofacial surgical training in Melbourne (1991), undertook a PhD in Trigeminal Nerve injury at KCL (1999-2003).
- Education programmeso UG teaching of dental students modern Oral Surgical. Pain and modern LA techniques.
- Academic oral surgery training programme.
- Supervised 8 PhDs
- Researcho Collaboration with Imperial College, UCL, Oxford University, Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology & Neurology
- Published over 200 peer reviewed articles Grants MRC and NIHR.
- Editorialo Associate editor for Journal Orofacial pain and headache, she is on the Dental Update and British Society for Dental Hygienists and Therapist Editorial Boardso Co-editor the BDA clinical manuals for Oral Surgery Books I and II and Editor of Nature pub OFP book (2021).
- Serviceo Leads Kings Health Partners Orofacial Pain Service Orofacial pain multidisciplinary service
- Leads 2 patient facing websites Trigeminalnerve.org.uk and (www.orofacialpain.co.uk).
- Policy and Awardso Chair National patient safety for dentistry -prevention wrong site surgery in dentistryo Chair M3M patient care guidance for FDS RCSo Honorary AAOMS fellowship 2017
- Noel Martin visiting Chair Sydney University 2018-o Steve Graff Radford Award American Headache Society 2020
- Tara was an elected member RCS England FDS Board 2010-2019
- Chair of Oral Surgery SAC
- Invited member National Advisory Board for human factors in dentistry
- Past President of the British Association Oral Surgery.
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